ISSN: 0973-5089 | [email protected]

How Criminology can engage in the Theorizing on Genocide?

William R. Pruitt

Elmira College, New York, United States of America


For too long the discipline of criminology has ignored the crime of genocide. Very little theoretical work has been engaged in between criminology and the crime of crimes, i.e. genocide. Various reasons have been offered as to why the field has not engaged with the study of genocide, though the truth is that criminology already has existing paradigms that reach the outskirts of genocide and if they were broadened somewhat the discipline could very easily become involved in theorizing genocide. Within criminology, energy has been spent studying state crime, organizational crime, and collective violence, all of which can influence our understanding of the crime of genocide. Where criminology to recognize these potential connections, the field could begin to analyze and contribute to the study of genocide. This paper attempts to highlight the need for criminology to engage in genocide related theory and research.


Genocide, Criminology, 'Crime of Crimes', Theory.