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Book Review of The Will to Kill: Making Sense of Senseless Murder

Patrick Webb

University of Phoenix, USA


There is a vast amount of textbooks associated with a number of critical aspects within the discipline of criminal justice. From a fundamental standpoint, a few of these publications offer a comprehensive look into the role of policing (Policing America: Challenges & Best Practices, 7th Edition; Peak, 2012 or Law Enforcement in the 21st Century; Grant & Terry, 2004), others examine various aspects related to law (Basic Criminal Law: The Constitution, Procedure, and Crimes, 3rd Edition; Davenport, 2012) and the significance of probation and parole (Probation and Parole: Theory and Practice, 11th Edition; Abadinsky, 2012). Within the arena of criminal justice textbooks, a number of books are related exclusively to the commission of certain offenses. This includes a wide range of crimes that may include computer crimes (Digital Crime, Digital Terrorism, 2nd Edition; Taylor, Fritsch, Liederbach, & Holt, 2011), white-collar crime (Trusted Criminals: White Collar Crime in Contemporary Society, 4th Edition; Friedrichs, 2010), and gangs (Youth Gangs in American Society, 3rd Edition; Sheldon, Tracy, & Brown, 2004). A few textbooks have explored the existence of certain criminal acts that may be considered a growing epidemic during the past few years. This includes, but is not limited to human trafficking (The Slave Next Door: Human Trafficking and Slavery in America Today; Bales & Soodalter, 2009) and identity theft (Economics of Identity Theft: Avoidance, Causes and Possible Cures; Camp, 2010). Finally, there is text that that is associated with a crime that is both universal and constant; the act of killing.


Explaining the Will to Kill ,The Killers and their Victims ,Intimate and Family Murder ,The Lure and the Law of Homicide