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Digitization as a Solution to the Problem of Awaiting-Trial Inmates in Ebonyi State, Nigeria.

Benjamin Okorie Ajah, Okpa, J. Thompson

University of Nigeria, Nigeria


The problems of awaiting-trial inmates in Nigeria, particularly in Ebonyi State, have been researched and documented by many scholars. One of the obvious outcomes of these problems is overcrowding ofprison facilities. 78.4% of inmates in Ebonyi State prisons identify to have awaiting-trial problems. These problems are usually as a result of delays from the time of arrest to the time ofprosecution. The delays are caused by bureaucratic institutional processes involved in the arrest of suspects, transfer of cases, and the trial of suspects in the courts. This article proposes the use of digitization to automate all the bureaucratic processes and make them faster through an online portal that is accessible to all agencies involved in the Administration of CriminalJustice.


Awaiting trail inmates, Criminal justice system, Digitization, Problem, Solution